Fast Food

by Matthew Seldon

(Vappy was on his car driving, his stomach growled. He wants to stop at the fast food place. Vappy drives his car to the fast food place named "Tossed Salad". He went to the drive thru to take his order.)

Vappy: I would like to order a double cheeseburger, an order of onion rings and a large orange drink!

Speaker: Okay, one number 7!

Vappy: Yep, A double cheeseburger, an order of onion rings, and a large orange drink, please!

Speaker: You have selected 6-piece chicken nuggets, a baked apple pie, and a diet soda!

Vappy: No no no! This is not what I ordered! I said double cheeseburger, an order of onion rings, and a large orange drink!

Speaker: I'm sorry! You have selected 6-piece chicken nuggets, a baked apple pie, and a diet soda!

Vappy: Grrrr.... Listen customer, you have to repeat me what I said about the foods I want to be ordered!

Speaker: What?

Vappy: Are you listening to me!

Speaker: Um... yep!

Vappy: Alright customer, repeat after me! Duh-bowl cheeeese ber-grrrr!

Speaker: Duh-bowl cheeeese ber-grrrr! (Double cheesebuger)

Vappy: Good! Onnnn-iaaaan riiiiiiings! Say it!

Speaker: Onnnn-iaaaan riiiiiiings! (Onion rings)

Vappy: Orrrraaaaaange driiiiiink! Drink, say it! Drink! I wanted a double cheeseburger, onion rings, and a large orange drink!

Speaker: You have selected 6-piece chicken nuggets, a baked apple pie, and a diet soda!

Vappy: Ahhhhhh! Dammit!

(Vappy leaves the drive thru at the fast food and drove straight to the tree. Now his car is on fire is he bumped into the tree by driving.)

Speaker: Um... hello! Would you like fries with that! Oh well... next!

The End

The script was made a few years before the cartoon.

Try watch this cartoon to follow with the script here!

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